New Grow By A Heart (TM) Height Chart Toy Encourages Math Learning!

Scottsdale, AZ—, which offers brands of unique products made of hearts for licensing, has just created a growth chart that children build from individual hearts with measurements on them. The Grow By A Heart is the first of a line of growth charts which inventor Tali Lehavi hopes to license.

The Grow By A Heart (TM) growth chart is a patented building toy with measurements. It allows children to measure themselves, pets, or toys by laying out interconnecting pieces. The pieces could be blocks or any image with measurements. Under this heart theme, the pieces are beautifully designed wooden hearts based on Lehavi’s trademark shape with precise angles that allow the children to wedge them so that they can accurately measure things in the room in multiple directions. To build on the series, Lehavi hopes to license the brand to toy manufacturers for “Grow By A Star (TM)” and other symbols.

Lehavi took care to include in the game pieces for this height chart the Power of Infinite Goodness,(TM) a symbol made of two overlapping hearts that together create hearts in every direction. This game piece is a theme Lehavi inserts into every toy product from Planet Heart. Lovelle and other Heartlings from the Planet Heart stories have the Power of Infinite Goodness inside them.

Now earthlings can build a character made of hearts that reflects their own size and put the power symbol inside. It creates a very powerful positive subliminal message. “And of course, each time you grow an inch, you are actually growing by a heart!” which is Lehavi’s favorite part of the invention.

Currently, the Grow By A Heart growth chart is hand made with a lot of love and care. It is available for purchase at the North Scottsdale Farmer’s Market or through the store. In order for it to reach more children and classrooms, Lehavi is looking for a toy manufacturer to license it. To license, contact

Lehavi is also available to come into classrooms with the Grow By A Heart chart and other inventions and work with children to teach them about measurements, the invention process, and related Mandala Pattern forming with other wooden heart inventions.

cover of box that contains the Grow by a Heart height chart with wooden hearts and the Power of Infinite Goodness

A Game That Will Never Stop Growing On You! (TM)

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