The hip newest symbol now in its own coloring book!
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The Power of Infinite Goodness is going to be the next biggest hippest image next to the peace symbol. Invented by Tali Lehavi, the inventor of the heart hand gesture called the HeartMark, the Power of Infinite Goodness is made by two overlapping hearts that result in a heart in every direction! It is very powerful and meaningful.
This book shows some of the cool designs that you can get from this symbol alone. Made 100% of hearts, the book offers beautiful and hip coloring pages. In addition, it has SAT style challenges such as analogies. You are asked to observe a relationship between two designs, and then find a similar relationship between two other designs! Don’t worry. Everything is designed to make you feel great about yourself, and not to fail you. You will be challenged, but you will feel smart! ..And you will get smarter! It will enhance both of your hemispheres!
I HeartMark You! 🙂
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