The trademark HeartMark Hands available for licensing in a repeat pattern that's also available for licensing
HeartMarking Stones
I dreamed a few nights ago that women were reaching into a crystal elegant jar that’s square with rounded corners. The detail was impeccable. A lot of dream time was focused on the sensual feel of the jewelry pieces and the clicking sounds. Women reached their hands through to pick up square pieces of one of my designs. I could see the detail in the jewelry designs, the color, and the material, even though I am not sure the name of the material. There were two such jars, on two petite side tables in the lobby of a beauty salon. One table had the same jar but the jewelry was the elliptical version of the same line. Of all my many designs that could take on so many different shapes, materials, and infinite methods of marketing, it’s fascinating how well my dream informed me of the best incarnation for them. The size, material, message, style, use, and target market fit perfectly. They were so clearly the top choice of how to market this particular product line. I am a big believer in waiting for the right moment of clarity to take the next step. I do not believe in forcing anything. The one time I forced myself against my wishes—that’s when I made the worst mistake of my life. And it didn’t feel right at the time. It really wasn’t me. I really was forced. (When the man I had just met insisted that I show the HeartMark to the video pitch to win to be on Donny Deustche’s Next Big Idea… He was just thinking of his own gain. He misrepresented himself completely and it was the only time in my life that I thought I should jump and take a risk, against my own promise to myself not to reveal that HeartMark for that pitch.) (This is such a painful experience that I prefer never to mention it, but it is still there in my mind, and I am not editing it out of the entry. It does not fit the tone. I do live in a happy present until this incident comes back. But I can recalibrate and come back to a happy, productive focus!) Greed, stress, peer pressure—none of these should factor into making a business decision. If you are not sure what to do about anything in life, it is not because of any negative quality that you should feel badly about ever. You should act when you are sure. You need to wait for the time to be right. I am not a gambler. I do however, like to listen carefully to my dreams. They are very informative.
Learning From Dreams
I believe that dreams tell us how we feel about what we dream about. Dreams are like stories that we can analyze. What is important is our reaction to the content. If we like the content—if it makes us feel good– then we know better that we like something. It might bring a subconscious feeling out. More importantly, dreams warn us of what we wouldn’t like. Having these dreams is crucial to staying safe. I don’t have many dreams that are scary. But when I do, I feel very fortunate. They are great reminders of what I care about so that I will be extra safe. For example, I had one dream many years ago that I was driving on a road on a hill by the university. I allowed the car to go downhill at its own accumulating speed…and this would have had a bad ending if I didn’t wake up in time. I almost never used that road. By an incredible coincidence, I drove on the same road two days later under similar conditions. Except—I had the reminder from the dream, so I knew to keep control of the speed. I still remember clearly that I did not enjoy not having control, the surprise of the approaching car just as the road turned, not being able to curve in my own lane, and feeling really uncomfortable that it’s too late to change the speed and control the car. I really did not enjoy that feeling. I was so blessed to dream about it. It’s strange, because it wasn’t in my habit to relax my control of a car. But the dream came to make sure just in case, that I won’t have that one bad time. I had another critical dream when I was much, much younger. It had to do with a man. Not a specific man. I think I was seven when I had the first dream, and maybe in high school when I had another one. The dream showed me how I’d feel if I’d go further than I’d want to…. The feeling of regret was so powerful, that it kept me from making that mistake in real life! Thank goodness for dreams! I still remember clearly that I did not enjoy not having control, the surprise of the approaching car just as the road turned, not being able to curve in my own lane, and feeling really uncomfortable that it’s too late to change the speed and control the car. I really did not enjoy that feeling. I was so blessed to dream about it. It’s strange, because it wasn’t in my habit to relax my control of a car. But the dream came to make sure just in case, that I won’t have that one bad time. I had another critical dream when I was much, much younger. It had to do with a man. Not a specific man. I think I was seven when I had the first dream, and maybe in high school when I had another one. The dream showed me how I’d feel if I’d go further than I’d want to…. The feeling of regret was so powerful, that it kept me from making that mistake in real life! Thank goodness for dreams! It’s incredibly important to listen to your feelings. The content of the dream is not so important. What’s important is how you feel towards it. Do you like it, or not? Dreams are there to protect you and guide you if you interpret them the right way. Use the information to avoid mistakes. If you are cautious or afraid of taking an action in a dream, then you are not ready to take it, because you will not enjoy feeling nervous in real life! The best way to have informative dreams is to sleep. J The best way to sleep well is to do cardio exercise. No drug will ever help you sleep as well as a good cardio work out. My magic number is 18 minutes of sweating. You can work up to that. You can do more. The trick is to pass the moment in which you feel tired, reach that moment until you feel like you could go on forever and then you can stop. You could go on forever, but it is not practical and it is less useful. So stop. You will have great dreams that will rejuvenate you.

The original design for Lovelle™ from 1996 in which immediately Lovelle said "The Power of Infinite Goodness is Inside You!"™ with the trademark heart-hand gesture called the HeartMark!™
Most often, I fly in my dreams. Quite often, I teach others how to fly. It’s incredible. This happened since before I ever watched Peter Pan. But now that I have seen it, I can say that my formula in my dream is quite similar to his. When I wake up, I try to hold on to the formula, but I cannot. It’s a feeling. I think maybe it’s a type of inner peace and acceptance formula, but I barely remember the exact sensations necessary to make it happen. The more I wake up, the more the combination of sensations necessary escapes. It is so clear while I sleep. One of these days I will retain the formula long enough to bottle it up! I know it’s possible. Until then, I will just be me. And I would like to teach others whatever I learn from life along the way. That is the closest I can get to my dreams. I wonder if that’s the Power of Infinite Goodness–a power inside us that makes us feel like we can inspire others to feel really great. Yes.
How to Have Great Dreams:
1. Cardio exercise! –The elliptical machine is my favorite because it is so gentle on the body. Reach a point in which you sweat. Try to pass the point in which you sweat by a magic number. You can determine your magic number by listening to when you feel like quitting, passing that number, and reaching the moment when you feel like you could continue forever. That’s when you might as well stop because there are so many other things you could do. You are ready to conquer everything! Please never overdo. And if you cannot reach this point, do not force it. Here are some estimates for people who feel they have to have numbers. I prefer that everyone listen to their own body and not the numbers that I write down: 5 minutes for those out completely of cardio practice. 12 minutes for those who have done cardio recently and feel a bit stronger. 18 minutes of sweating for those who use the cardio every other day for at least 3 times a week. 2. Avoid discomfort. Make sure there are no pillows that force the neck in the wrong direction. 3. Pillow between the legs. This keeps your alignment healthy. A large body pillow is heaven.
The Bigger You Dream, The Bigger You Allow Others To Dream!
This is my motto. I thought of this when I was in college. It’s what keeps me going. Every time I have high hopes, I wonder if they are something I will reach, or if I need to taper them. I have to reach them, because then it will inspire every other person to try to achieve their dreams. So that’s a lot of wonderful (potential) realities to make the world better. It’s a very powerful motto for me. It’s my battery and it just keeps recharging. Big HeartMark from me to all those who have wonderful wishes! Just keep working on them! Baby steps are better than no steps. (I also believe life is too brief to save ideas for later. And that it’s better to try than not to try. But do your homework. Treat your passions like you would treat a baby—with a lot of care. Some clichés are worthwhile!)
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