Here I go about the Hemispheres again: Shopping can easily become a right hemisphere activity. Most people don’t leave the house armed with left hemisphere lists, coupons, and plans for what they’ll buy. If they do, they are protecting their left hemisphere from what is about to be an explosion of activity by the right. […]
Archive | Creativity
Blog about moments of inspiration, the meaning of art, and the evolution of the works of Planet Heart (and its artist.)
Guidelines for Enhancing the Hemispheres
A class that seeks to enhance Hemispheric Harmony needs to: (Exciting News: This content is patent pending) 1. Provide activities that stimulate each hemisphere. 2. Provide a method to make people aware that they are using each hemisphere 3. Provide moments of reflection to let people listen to their hemispheres. 4. Provide a way to […]
Communication Between the Right and Left Hemispheres is more Important than the Strength of the Sides!
Moments of great invention often happen “by accident.” But is it an accident? I think they are moments of wonderful communication between the two hemispheres. The moments of thinking outside the box are also such moments. When you engage in activities, listen carefully. Take time out. The HeartMark is the gesture that allows you to […]
“Anal” is Really the Left Hemisphere
Thanks to Freud, we know that there is another surface, a layer of thoughts and events that guide us that we’re not always aware of. Freud lay the foundation for searching beneath the surface. However, he was quite wrong about his interpretations of that subsurface. Clearly no one today believes women actually envy that male […]
Heart Building Blocks and What They Reveal about You
Building block games are a great lens to observe children. I love watching how children interact with these blocks. My research is far from complete. But I would like to report some early observations. I have the privilege of exhibiting the unique trademark hearts, as well as my new Sponap shapes, on several tables at […]
Planet Heart Themed Party!
Here are the some of the name stickers that I used for the Planet Heart-themed party! Heartiyoli is the word for Hello on Planet Heart, and the heart hand HeartMark is the trademark gesture of the Heartlings. The Power of Infinite Goodness is the trademark of the Planet, so that’s in a border. All the […]
Shana Tova Everyone!
Yes You Can Reinvent the Wheel, Sort of! and…Let’s HeartMark Heart Hand for a good cause!
When I create something new, I get excited. I feel like an explorer. I research my new creation. I look up whatever I can that’s relevant, like a patent search, similar products, and who might manufacture it for me. I write about it. I name it, and research names. I check for website availability, and […]
Originality and Where I Get My Inspiration
When I draw, I need a completely blank white wall to stare at. The more white space around me, the better. I was careful from the start of my career as an artist not to surround myself with previous images that I had drawn. I could have hung my main characters who stood for values […]
I Love Simple Math!
I loved math when I was young, and I still do. I love that I can prove in multiple ways how to reach the same result. I love that it all makes so much sense. I am talking about simple, elementary school level math. (For example, the way that 80% is the same as 80 […]
Congenital Heart Walk!
Team Planet Heart is proud to return this year to help raise funds for the Congenital Heart Walk! The event will be held on Sunday, November 6th, at 8am, at the Tempe Diablo Stadium in Tempe, AZ. The event raises funds for research to help people who are born with congenital heart challenges. The fundraiser […]
Mandala Secret Code?
I found this old entry from 7.1.1998, at 4:45 pm!!! It is a section in which I think to myself and brainstorm by writing my thoughts. I tend to review ideas this way at the same time. It is one of the methods I use to generate ideas. The marketable results from a section like […]
Latest Dream…Infinite Love
Through out the years, my dreams have always informed me of the simplest form of my ideas. I find the solutions and see things with perspective in my dreams. …I get great work done when I sleep! Early this morning, I dreamed that the Power of Infinite Goodness will be marketed more easily as the […]
Best Use of Time
(With a tangent to reflect how different subjects connect, which fits the theme of the entry) I always look for ways to use time most efficiently. At the gym, I am not one of those who rest between poses. I let one muscle group rest while I work another group, or stretch that group. The […]
The Bigger You Dream, The Bigger You Allow Others To Dream!
This is the motto that has carried me this far. I thought of it in my apartment in Berkeley, while I was at the dining table, by myself. I think I was either writing or drawing about Planet Heart. I thought about the heart stars in the galaxy all around. I wanted it all to […]