Lehavi’s Trademark HeartMark Heart Hand gesture is Raising Funds for the Kidney Foundation of Arizona! Scottsdale, Arizona. Coming this February 24th, celebrity couple Tali Lehavi and Glenn Hamer will be competing in dance with other Arizona superstars at the The JW Marriott Camelback Inn Resort & Spa. Lehavi is best known for her invention of […]
Archive | Press Releases
Team Planet Heart at the Congenital Heart Walk 2011!
Team Planet Heart is the sponsor of the craft tables for the Second Annual Congenital Heart Walk 2011 held Sunday, November 6th at the Tempe Diablo Stadium! This is also Planet Heart’s second year contributing to the event. The Planet Heart booth will offer children a variety of original crafts and arts that are 100% […]
2003 Press Release announcing the HeartMark Heart Hand gesture
My old blogs disappear from view. So here is a repost of my old press release to announce the HeartMark when I made it available for licensing at the 2003 Licensing Show: News from With All My Heart ** BOOTH # 3978 ** For Immediate Release Contact: Tali Lehavi, With All My Heart, 1357 Templeton […]
Newest Exercise Will Start a New Trend!
I just found the press release that I used 5 years ago to show the HeartMark–the heart hands on tv. This press release helped me show the HeartMark invention on television in 2006! (It was not stolen until I showed it in a different tv taping to become a contestant on the Donny Deustche’s Next […]
New Grow By A Heart (TM) Height Chart Toy Encourages Math Learning!
Scottsdale, AZ—PlanetHeart.com, which offers brands of unique products made of hearts for licensing, has just created a growth chart that children build from individual hearts with measurements on them. The Grow By A Heart is the first of a line of growth charts which inventor Tali Lehavi hopes to license. The Grow By A Heart […]
Mandala exercises discovered to bring harmony to your dueling hemispheres
New Brain Exercises for the Right and Left Hemisphere Will Help You and Your Children! by Tali Lehavi Hamer Scottsdale, AZ– Author, artist, and inventor Tali Lehavi has found a new way to help us all feel better. She has already enriched the world by inventing the heart hand gesture called the HeartMark, which Taylor […]
For Immediate Release!
News from Planet Heart For Immediate Release PLANET HEART at the CONGENITAL HEART WALK! Magical Hearts Come to Life at the Inaugural Children’s Heart Foundation Walk! Scottsdale, AZ (June 8, 2010) – From the inventor of the heart-hand connection called the HeartMarkTM comes a whole new invention—a line of magical hearts unlike any you have […]
Magical Hearts bring Heart Mandala Crafts to the Inaugural Children’s Heart Foundation Walk! Scottsdale, AZ (Nov 7th, 2010) – From the inventor of heart-hand connection called the HeartMark(TM) comes a whole new invention—a line of magical hearts unlike any you have ever seen! These new hearts will be unveiled at the first annual Congenital Heart […]
Licensing Show 2009 Press Release
The HeartMark Helps to Achieve Optimum Health
Please read this wonderful article that I wrote for AZ Parenting Magazine! It takes you through the steps to focus on your health using the HeartMark. AZ Parenting article about using the HeartMark to achieve optimum health
Interconnected world of characters from Planet HeartTM to launch at Licensing Show 2003
with all my heart launch release 6-9-03 FINALCharacters and stories relate to each other through a unique, patented system written and developed over five years by an Israeli-American writer and artist Washington, DC (June 9, 2003) – An entirely new way of viewing the world will be unveiled Tuesday at Licensing Show 2003 at the […]