HeartMark Yogalates Logo by talilehaviBrowse other t-shirt designs made on zazzle.com Here is another blast to the past–the HeartMark Yogalates past! I made this logo years ago for shirts that I made in bulk! It was so difficult, before Zazzle made it easy! Unlike the other HeartMark Yogalates brand shirts on this site, you can […]
Tag Archives | HeartMark Yogalates
Heart Mandala 3-Petaled flower design
Heart Mandala 3 Heart Petals by talilehaviBrowse other Heart T-Shirts The Heart Mandala is a brand from Planet Heart. It is the visual motif of all the flowers and animation. Every image from this brand is made 100% of hearts, which is its trademark design style. For licensing information, please contact Tali Lehavi: talilehavi@aol.com
HeartMark Yogalates (TM)
HeartMark Yogalates (TM) by talilehaviBegin selling my art online at zazzle. The HeartMark Yogalates is an original, patented and trademark yoga lesson in which we make hearts as we practice a very intelligent fusion of yoga, pilates, ballet, and the HeartMark Health philosophies. For classes, training, books, and licensing opportunities, contact talilehavi@aol.com. I HeartMark You! […]
I HeartMark Yoga!
I Love (HeartMark) Yoga! by talilehaviCreate custom tshirts using zazzle The heart hand gesture in which hands make a heart is the most peaceful, meditative pose artist and inventor could think of. She named it the HeartMark to distinguish it from hearts that are made of one piece. A dance instructor herself, Lehavi invented a […]
Best Use of Time
(With a tangent to reflect how different subjects connect, which fits the theme of the entry) I always look for ways to use time most efficiently. At the gym, I am not one of those who rest between poses. I let one muscle group rest while I work another group, or stretch that group. The […]
PE Classes Are Useless For Obese Children–As They are Taught Today
America knows that childhood obesity is a problem. But recognizing the problem is not enough to understand how to avoid it. One way to avoid making our children fat is to completely change the way physical fitness is viewed and taught in schools. PE classes are especially useless for the kinds of children who end […]
HeartMark Yogalates Lesson, Ages 3-5
Heartiyoli! All fitness routines using the heart hand poses called the HeartMark which I invented, and making other shapes with the body are protected by US patent, trademark, and copyright laws. If you would like this lesson taught in your school, scouts, or community in general, please contact me for permission, more materials, suggestions, and […]