Daughters United Through Love by talilehaviSee other Heart T-Shirts Hello, I am the inventor of the Heart Hand gesture. It has been my mission over the past 15 years to create a brand in which all things and all people unite through love.(TM.) I even have registered patents and trademarks to fit this lifestyle brand […]
Tag Archives | inspire
My Dreams
HeartMarking Stones I dreamed a few nights ago that women were reaching into a crystal elegant jar that’s square with rounded corners. The detail was impeccable. A lot of dream time was focused on the sensual feel of the jewelry pieces and the clicking sounds. Women reached their hands through to pick up square […]
Best Use of Time
(With a tangent to reflect how different subjects connect, which fits the theme of the entry) I always look for ways to use time most efficiently. At the gym, I am not one of those who rest between poses. I let one muscle group rest while I work another group, or stretch that group. The […]
Power Symbol Orange Magnet $3.35
Power Symbol Orange button Magnet by talilehaviMake cheap custom magnets on zazzle What does the Power of Infinite Goodness mean to you? “The Power of Infinite Goodness is inside you!” according to Lovelle, the main Heartling on Planet Heart. (TM) This image is the trademark of Planet Heart. It represents all the products produced by […]
The POWER of Infinite Goodness and Character Education Lesson
Discussion of the Symbol: Definition–The Power of Infinite Goodness is a special symbol. It is created by… [tell the classroom about its structure.] It is made up of 4 “oceans,” each represented by a very important word. The words are: respect, care, trust, and patience. The center is LOVE. Discussion of Respect. Discussion of Care. […]
The Magic Heartoscope (TM)
Story by Tali Lehavi Available for purchase on Amazon: In a poor village, in a distant land, lives a very imaginative girl with freckles, dimples, and wild curls. The girl, whose name is Jaminor, lives in a house as tattered as a house can be. The roof leaks when there is rain. The windows creak when […]