SPONAPS™– A character-based collectible property that is available for licensing in multiple categories.
The SPONAPS are highly collectible characters that connect to each other through a patented method called the HeartMark. There are 6 main Sponaps, but the line has plans for quite an infinite amount.
The unique, patented, and trademarked shape of each of the main SPONAPS is ideal for plush, pillows, pog-like pieces, jewelry, and cards. The SPONAPS are also great for games and toys. Please inquire about these. The SPONAPS are definitely the next collectible craze since the SILLY BANDZ! The benefit is that the SPONAPS are backed by a US Patent!
Although there are 6 main SPONAPS, the variety that I have designed is …enormous. And they can carry your logo or drawing instead of the 6 main characters.
The Sponaps’ outlines are a fantastic promotional item. If you sell promotional products, or if you are looking to make something that your customers will want to keep, you really must have these. Contact talilehavi@aol.com, with the subject: sponaps for promtions.
The SPONAPS began as an answer to a much needed urge creator Lehavi had–to give people a gift of “SPONTANEOUS APPRECIATION.” She needed a way to leave something behind after randomly meeting someone who inspired her right there and then. Too busy to be best friends with everybody she meets, Lehavi looked for a product that she could carry in her purse or wallet tha somehow conveyed this instant appreciation.
After years of playing with various ideas, Lehavi’s ideas converged! Light bulbs went on and a lot of glee! 🙂 In 2004, Lehavi saw her HeartMark patent in a whole new light–instead of hands reaching to make a heart like she had been planning for products, she suddenly saw that hearts could be taken out of products. With this new, simple, sleek, and contemporary look, Lehavi could finally make cards that connect through love. So people could hand out business cards or cute thank you notes… with the half heartbites (TM). Lehavi designed and researched the idea.
Always taking her ideas as far as they can go in every direction, Lehavi created the 6 main characters with personalities. This is just one way that the idea developed. But it has worked out really well. People have responded so well to the 6 main characters that they have been buying them as collectible game pieces in CA & in Arizona. They are a real hit!
I recommend you become a leader on this new craze and license the SPONAPS today!
*Currently, a story about the six main SPONAPS is available and I would love to find a publisher for it.