
Planet Heart has the brands that you want!  All the brands, designs, names, logos, slogans, and the HeartMark patent and trademark on this website are available for licensing in a variety of categories.


If you are a manufacturer, Planet Heart has designs that will help your products sell!  Please fill out the contact form on the portfolio page or contact Tali Lehavi.   Some incredible designs in your category are not on the website.  Please write what you are looking for so Planet Heart will match the right product that will help you connect with your customers!  

If you are an advertiser, Planet Heart can offer the registered trademark Heart Hand gesture called the HeartMark for licensing. Many strong slogans are associated with this peaceful gesture. Please inquire to hear about how this trademarked gesture can help your cause and connect you to your audience!  subject:  licensing

The HeartMark heart hand gesture is the invention of Tali Lehavi. Lehavi invented the concept of hands coming together to make a heart. Lehavi created children’s stories, a world of cartoon characters, fun whimsical rhymes, rap songs, choreography, and art work–all about the HeartMark heart hand gesture. The HeartMark represents all of Lehavi’s work. Once Lehavi received a US patent for the gesture, she developed new lines inspired by the HeartMark. Room decor, jewelry, toys, bedding, and children’s clothes for example developed from the same concept of bringing items together to make an image between them (and all protected by the US utility patent and Lehavi’s trademark style.)

In addition, Lehavi developed HeartMark Health which included unique nutrition lessons, fitness classes, and materials for inspiring others to optimum health.

The registered heart hand gesture is a brand of connectivity.

You may now be familiar with the heart hand gesture. It is becoming popular. If you want to ad it to your campaign in ads or on products, please contact subject: license the HeartMark.

In addition to the HeartMark heart hand, you may be interested in some other products:

Lovelle’s Garden and Planet Heart (TM)
— a fully developed entertainment properties that’s Heartastic! (TM)
HeartMark Health Brand (TM)
HeartMark Yogalates (TM)
The HeartMarking Sponaps!(TM)
HeartMark Hop (TM)-fitness game for children

and many others!

Thank you,

I HeartMark You!

Companies who are now using the HeartMark Heart Hands (trademark and patent)
(just off the top of my head for now:)

Lenscrafters: April 2009
Taylor Swift since April 2009
Travel Nevada–ads in print, online, and TV
Weber Grill–May 2009–prints in magazines and posters
Applebey’s–commercial that only aired on TV in May 2009 only
HP–ad in magazine in May 2009
Pepsi–print ads
Sonic–commercial that aired only in May 2009
Victoria Secret–posters, catwalk ads–around July 2009-December 2011
Nordstorm Rack–gift cards–June 2009
Monsters Vs. Aliens movie–2009
Circus Yoga–Using the HeartMark in yoga poses
Justin Bieber–in videos, commercials for dolls, and appearances
Jump Rope for the Heart! (following my HeartMark Hop) 2010-2011
Activia ad for yogurt–ongoing commercials from July 2011-present
Justice Just 4 Girls–print ads in magazines and t-shirts
Disney having Mickey Mouse do Lovelle’s trademark pose
January 2012:

Companies who are currently using my Heart Mandala Line:

Room Magic–room furniture designer who is using my Heart Mandala and Kissing Fish design and sells them at multiple locations including Macy’s and online retailers.