Heartiyoli Friends! I have drawn hundreds of HeartFlowers, Heartlings, and Heart creatures of every species. All of them have the HeartMark extending out so that they can meet others. (The new generations have heartbites (TM) taken out of them. ) It is fun to shrink or enlarge them to interactively cause them to HeartMark–to connect […]
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Brief Jewelry Portfolio of Main Sponap (TM) Connect Through Love Series
brief sample of the main HeartMark Connect Through Love series Please contact me so you can view this incredible line. The main image has never been seen. It will completely take the fashion industry. The main trademark image is available for licensing for jewelry, as well as textiles, room decor, accessories, apparel, software, games, advertising, […]
Protected: Lovelle’s Garden and Planet Heart (TM) Main Characters Bible! Available for Licensing
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Protected: The HeartFlowers that HeartMark from Planet Heart
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