Tag Archives | HeartMark Health

Avocado-Purple Yam-Apricot-Dill Salad!

Creativity came to me as I looked at the fresh apricots while making guacamole, mushing the avocados down with a fork. The purple yams had already been steaming, just by chance, because it was time to make them. None of these separate ingredients were intended to get mixed together initially. I knew my husband would […]

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Secret to Sleep

The secret to sleeping well is to do cardio. Stop surfing the web right now and head to the gym. Many exercises are healthy and many might say that they will help you sleep. For example, yoga, which I teach, says that it will relax you. It does. It makes you feel great. But for […]

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Calcium never gets enough attention. This blog is directed to women. As always with HeartMark Health, this article will not repeat the same old material that you can find elsewhere. Women do not store extra calcium that does not get consumed from one day to the next once they are about 24. This means that […]

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Dinner for Breakfast (TM)

You’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your grandmother warned you not to skip breakfast and even to eat a big meal. But for some reason, many people in the US take that to mean that they should eat typical American breakfast foods in a larger quantity. If you […]

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Take That to the Fair! The Rule of Expansion

Here is another useful fact that no one else has ever talked about because it is another HeartMark Health original: The Rule of Expansion. The Rule of Expansion refers to how much bulk space food takes up in your stomach after it sits there for a few minutes. It assumes that you want to maximize […]

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HUNGER and Its Negative Effects on Your Body:

When you don’t eat when you are hungry, results that you don’t want happen: 1. Your body thinks there is no food so it slows down the metabolism. This is a genetic instinct that is necessary to survival. Back when we had to rely on what we could hunt or gather, the body’s only way […]

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Daily Set Point for Water and Sugar (TM)

Have you ever noticed that the less you drink, the less you feel the need to drink water? Have you noticed that the more sugar you eat, the more sugar you want? These two questions began my study 15 years ago on what I call the body’s Daily Set Point for Water and Sugar, or […]

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Twilight Zone of Junk Food

My first daughter’s school, (“Scottsdale Academy of Arts,”)a half Montessori-style beautiful school with a ballet school inside it, wrote that the day’s snack was fruit. When I came midday unexpectedly, which most parents never did at this school, I saw the children sitting around the table eating life savers type of candy that was fruit […]

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