Daughters United Through Love by talilehaviSee other Heart T-Shirts Hello, I am the inventor of the Heart Hand gesture. It has been my mission over the past 15 years to create a brand in which all things and all people unite through love.(TM.) I even have registered patents and trademarks to fit this lifestyle brand […]
Tag Archives | peace
The Original Lovelle! (TM) Photo Sculpture
Original Lovelle!!! (TM) by talilehaviBrowse more Peace Photo Sculptures Lovelle (TM) always says, the Power of Infinite Goodness is Inside You! (TM) Here is the original design of the very first Heartling and creature ever to HeartMark on Planet Heart or on Planet Earth! Because so many people have mentioned that they love the original […]
HeartThrob HeartMarks to match Poster Design
HeartThrob that matches posters by talilehaviView more Heartmark Photo Sculptures Complete your child’s room decor with this matching photo sculpture! On Planet Heart, The HeartThrob (TM) helps children heal. The HeartThrob creates Lehavi’s invented, patented, and trademarked heart hand gesture called the HeartMark. It is a gesture with multiple meanings, including a sign of inner […]
I HeartMark You! (TM)
I HeartMark You! by talilehaviMake custom tee shirts at zazzle.com Different Animal prints fill in the design to show that we are “All Connected Through Love” (TM). The HeartMark is a great symbol to show appreciation, love, respect, peace, and a great way to send out positive vibes. The gesture was invented by the artist […]
HeartMark Chain of Love!
HeartMark Chain of Love by talilehaviSee other Heartmark T-Shirts Artist Tali Lehavi has known all her life how to make hearts with her body. She designed a world made of Hearts called Planet Heart, in which all the Heartlings and visitors find ways to connect by making a heart between them. The Heart-Hand gesture is […]
HeartMark transforms to a Kiss-Hands are for Love!
HeartMark to Kiss-hands are for love! by talilehaviJoin Zazzle.com’s clothing affiliate program Artist Tali Lehavi has known all her life how to make hearts with her body. She designed a world made of Hearts, called Planet Heart, in which all the Heartlings and visitors find ways to connect by making a heart between them. Lehavi […]
Hands are for Love–logo on any shirt!
Hands are for Love! by talilehaviSee other Hands T-Shirts The HeartMark is the Heart Hand gesture that artist Tali Lehavi invented as part designing Lovelle’s Garden and Planet Heart (TM), a charming and ideal cartoon world for children that instills positive character education values. The HeartMark is a lifestyle brand of connectivity. The HeartMark has […]
Hands Are For Love-and Planet Heart webaddress
Hands are For Love by talilehavimake money as an artist using Zazzle. The HeartMark is the Heart Hand gesture that artist Tali Lehavi invented as part of the designing of Lovelle’s Garden and Planet Heart, (TM), a charming and ideal cartoon world for children that instills positive character education values. The HeartMark has been patented […]
Hands Are For Love! (TM)
Hands are For Love! HeartMark Button by talilehaviBrowse other tees made on zazzle The HeartMark is the Heart Hand gesture that artist Tali Lehavi invented as part of the designing of Lovelle’s Garden and Planet Heart, (TM), a charming and ideal cartoon world for children that instills positive character education values. The HeartMark has been […]
Planet Heart brand on a Fitness Shirt!
Planet Heart brand by talilehaviBecome a shirt affiliate for Zazzle. Help make Planet Earth a Planet Heart! Please help promote positive values of kindness, spontaneous appreciation, honesty, integrity, generosity, patience, and so many more important qualities! Planet Heart does not like compromises when it comes to matters of the heart! We can be good to […]
Empowerment Symbols For Peace T-Shirt
Empowerment Symbols for Peace by talilehaviJoin one of the biggest clothing affiliate programs The Empowerment Symbols for Peace is a brand developed by Planet Heart, from inventor Tali Lehavi. Each symbol has a special purpose on Planet Heart. It’s a tool that allows for better communication and gives the Heartlings special powers as a result […]
Live and Love Within the Spaces 1, Poster
Live and Love Within the Spaces 1 by talilehaviBrowse Live Posters The HeartMark-heart hand gesture–inspired artist Tali Lehavi to create a whole line of products that connect to make a heart. Out of that grew the Sponaps–Images with half heart bites taken out of them. This poster summarizes the concept that love should fill all […]
Happy Heart Mandala Poster, 23 by 23
Happy Heart Mandala 1 by talilehaviLarge format poster printing from zazzle Let this happy Heart Mandala (TM) channel its love to you and all those around you in the room. The entire image is made 100% of hearts, full of integrity to goodness. The colors are happy and vibrant. Every bit of the image is […]
The Power of Infinite Goodness Activity Book $14.45
Please press this link if you would like to purchase this book through Amazon. Otherwise, you may email me as well! talilehavi@aol.com /subject: Power Activity Book! The Power of Infinite Goodness is going to be the next biggest hippest image next to the peace symbol. Invented by Tali Lehavi, the inventor of the heart hand […]
Lovelle and I HeartMark You! Cute Toddler retro T!
Lovelle, the Illustrator version.ai by talilehaviDesign your shirt at zazzle