Thanks to Freud, we know that there is another surface, a layer of thoughts and events that guide us that we’re not always aware of. Freud lay the foundation for searching beneath the surface. However, he was quite wrong about his interpretations of that subsurface. Clearly no one today believes women actually envy that male […]
Tag Archives | mandala
Heart Building Blocks and What They Reveal about You
Building block games are a great lens to observe children. I love watching how children interact with these blocks. My research is far from complete. But I would like to report some early observations. I have the privilege of exhibiting the unique trademark hearts, as well as my new Sponap shapes, on several tables at […]
Heart Mandala (TM) with Heart Spring Poem
HeartMandala with HeartSpring Poem by talilehavisell your artwork online using Zazzle. The Heart Mandala is a brand developed by artist Tali Lehavi. This particular design fits children’s rooms, but it will inspire and put a smile on anyone’s face. Like all of Lehavi’s trademark designs, the image is made 100% of hearts. Staring at the […]
HeartWheel Mandala with the HeartMark Center
HeartMark Hands focus on Mandala core by talilehaviView other Heart Posters HeartWheel Mandalas direct from Planet Heart repeat. Another Mandala design is over them to add motion. The HeartMark hands help focus on the core, the heart of the mandala. Many original brands from Planet Heart combine here to create this piece of art. Please […]
HeartPetal Mandala with the HeartMark in Center!
Petals Mandala with the HeartMark by talilehaviBegin selling my posters for free with Zazzle. The Heart-Hand gesture is called the HeartMark. It is the invention, patent, and trademark of artist Tali Lehavi. It was born out of Planet Heart, a world in which everything is made of hearts. Lehavi created this ideal universe so that […]
HeartFlower Mandala Poster
HeartFlower Mandala (TM) by talilehaviBrowse more Mandala Posters The mandala is a circular image with a pattern that repeats along a radius. Artist Tali Lehavi creates mandalas that are 100% made of hearts, under the trademark name “Heart Mandalas.” In this unique design, the hearts wedge together in every direction, reflecting how connected we are […]
Heart Mandala and Planet Heart Game Book 4 $6.95
To purchase this book, please follow this link to! Or, you may email me at with the subject: buy green book! If you would like to order at bulk together with many hearts, please contact me. This book has been incredibly popular! Children and adults all love building games. The magical hearts that […]
Heart Mandala Rewards:
I hope the Heart Mandalas can bring beauty to someone else out there. I recommend cutting them out and feeling them in your hand. Children can feel the magic of creating beauty on their own. It is very satisfying. Children can give parents Heart Mandalas as thank you’s to show their appreciation. Parents can hand […]
OCD–and the Mandala Remedy:
The variety in nature is overwhelming (and beautiful at the same time.) I see varieties in species, styles of cooking, materials—the potential variety in this list alone could be too much for me. I find a relief, a cleansing, in forming HeartPatternsTM such as the Heart Mandalas. TM When I draw a particular heartflower, I […]
The Synergy between Art and Science:
Hearts are my tools, like words to a poet, and colors to a painter. They are an elegant synergy of order and creativity, predictability and surprise. Hearts are geometric, which is beautiful–the right side of the brain fires up. Emotions like warmth and love and beauty activate as well. But hearts have so much logic […]
The XYZ Patterns
The X-Y-Z PatternsTM Did you know that we all navigate through life on an x-y-z axis? Our body takes up space. Our body is upright, along the z axis. We always bend or lift things along the z-axis. At all times, we have a front side and a back side, which is the x-axis. We […]
Mandala Definition
Mandala–a circular image that radiates out symmetrically. It is used by many religious traditions as a meditative tool. Only Planet Heart has Heart Mandalas. Planet Heart’s mandalas have special meditative qualities. The Heart Mandalas are both aesthetic and logical, creative and rigid, fluid and fixed. They unite many synergistic forces, but especially those of […]