Archive | Creativity

Blog about moments of inspiration, the meaning of art, and the evolution of the works of Planet Heart (and its artist.)

Lesson on Inventing

The Story of the HeartMark Invention and Patent Heartiyoli Friends! I am an inventor. I have several US Patents, trademarks, and copyrights. If you would like to read about the development process of one of my inventions—the heart hand patent which I call the HeartMark, read below. The HeartMark Invention is a combination of inspiration, […]

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What is Art?

I define art in two categories:  Primary art. Secondary art. Primary art is the human being.  Everything that makes up the entire human is art. Secondary art is everything that the human being creates.  Whether it is an illustration, an expression, or even just a wish–it is always a small reflection, a small glimpse, of the primary […]

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One fun challenge to your creativity is to force yourself to cook from what you already have at home.  Pick a spot like the freezer, or the pantry, or combine them all.   You’ll be saving money and organizing at the same time.  Involve your children, and they’ll be more likely to eat that smelly old […]

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Shopping Insight!

Big Insight.  Shopping is creative.  Worse than that—Shopping robs time and money away from other creative pursuits.  When we enter a store, we use up all our creative energy.  It overtakes all our brain—right and left hemispheres—my two favorite subjects J.  We start to see possibilities we didn’t see before.  We can combine outfits or […]

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Planet Heart Creation Myth

I invent from the gut.  I cannot imitate.  I cannot invent something that didn’t come from within.  I let the subconscious doodle, or the fingers type, and then I analyze what makes those subconscious, creative impulses okay and logical.   I bring them to the conscious level— sometimes by a lot of force, but not always. […]

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Heart & Earth

I determined a long time ago to be as good as I can possibly be—which I define by not causing damage to oneself, others, and the environment.  However, this pact was not the real challenge.  The deal was to be as good as I can be while living in the real world, as part of […]

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