Terrier Love!–From the HeartMark Brand from Planet Heart (TM)

Terrier shirt
For all dog lovers, and anyone who loves the environment! The cute terriers connect by making a heart between their bodies–front and back! Finally, we can show literally that we are all connected, that we love to connect, and that we should connect through love!

The HeartMark is a brand that is represented by the heart hand gesture. Artist Tali Lehavi invented the heart hand gesture and named it the HeartMark. The HeartMark concept is defined as any two or more items that come together to make a heart between them. Many designs like the dog terriers have since been inspired. Other lines, like jewelry, room decor, toys, nutrition lines, and other products developed. The images, toys, and trademarks are protected under US copyright, trademark, and patent laws. They are available for licensing by contacting Tali Lehavi at talilehavi@aol.com subject: licensing.

I HeartMark You!

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