The Original Lovelle! (TM) Photo Sculpture

Lovelle (TM) always says, the Power of Infinite Goodness is Inside You! (TM)
Here is the original design of the very first Heartling and creature ever to HeartMark on Planet Heart or on Planet Earth! Because so many people have mentioned that they love the original Lovelle more than the computer generated version, I am making it available in doll form. When I first drew Lovelle, Lovelle could only put the hands in this gesture. I would have never known what else to do with the arms. After that, I drew hundreds of other Lovelles in other colors, and the hands still made the HeartMark heart hand gesture. Later, I began to draw Lovelle’s friends and HeartFlowers. They either kept the HeartMark, or opened it so they could HeartMark each other. This solved the problem of not knowing how to draw hands and what to do with them…

Lovelle is a registered copyright, and Lovelle’s unique body shape is a trademark of Lehavi. The heart hand gesture is a trademark, patent,and copyright of Lehavi. For other characters that make this gesture, contact Lehavi for licensing permission.

The very first meanings of the HeartMark, on the first day that Lehavi drew it were: peace, hello, appreciation, respect, love, and inner peace. Lovelle wanted to be accepted for who he/she was. The more I stared at Lovelle, the more I understood my own psychology and how meaningful Lovelle was to my mission to inspire others to accept themselves, to find their inner strength, and to give others the same feelings. Lovelle, in this original form, is uneven, hairless, …but completely made of hearts. The idea is that all of us don’t have to be perfect to be perfect–because we our intentions are so good.

To license:

I HeartMark You!

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