The Bigger You Dream, The Bigger You Allow Others To Dream!

This is the motto that has carried me this far.

I thought of it in my apartment in Berkeley, while I was at the dining table, by myself. I think I was either writing or drawing about Planet Heart. I thought about the heart stars in the galaxy all around. I wanted it all to be made of hearts. I didn’t want it to just be a single planet. Why can’t everything everywhere be made of hearts? That’s what I asked myself. I already knew that it would be bigger than just one island or one land. In fact, I never even considered it to be limited to such small geography. But the moment that I wondered about the stars above, I realized that I cannot limit my good wishes. And that’s when I came up with my motto:
The Bigger You Dream, The Bigger You Allow Others to Dream!(TM)

It has been with me ever since. I wrote that later on my business card. It is really important to me.

I feel responsible, like a vehicle, that has to carry a set of good wishes. I cannot limit them. I cannot cap them with boundaries. The higher I can aspire, the higher others will. So Planet Heart is more than a planet. It is an endless universe, with endless possibilities in multiple directions. This is the dimension of goodness.

Planet Heart has room for teaching people to want to be healthy, how to be healthy, how to be good to themselves, how to accept themselves, how to find beauty and strength in all their qualities, how to be appreciative of themselves and of others, how to be good to the environment, how to connect to others, how to communicate with positive words, how to trust others, how to find inspiration, how to contribute to their community, how to show appreciation, how to feel free to enjoy the healthy fun things in life… and a lot more!

Please navigate through the site to discover some of what Planet Heart is about! 🙂

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