When I draw, I need a completely blank white wall to stare at. The more white space around me, the better. I was careful from the start of my career as an artist not to surround myself with previous images that I had drawn. I could have hung my main characters who stood for values […]
Tag Archives | art
Best Use of Time
(With a tangent to reflect how different subjects connect, which fits the theme of the entry) I always look for ways to use time most efficiently. At the gym, I am not one of those who rest between poses. I let one muscle group rest while I work another group, or stretch that group. The […]
Heart Mandala Brain Teasers: In Color, Level A $15.95
This beautiful book is available on Amazon if you follow this link. Directly from Planet Heart, this book is full of beautiful and inspiring mandalas that are 100% made of hearts. The mandalas offer unique challenges that author and inventor Lehavi invented. Unlike typical pattern challenges that progress linearly, Lehavi discovered that mandala images have […]
HeartMarking Heartlings and HeartFlowers from Planet Heart
Starter Set 1 : $32.95 Choose between laminated or puzzle pieces. You’ll receive collectible Heartlings and HeartFlowers from Planet Heart. All Heartlings and HeartFlowers have the Power of Infinite Goodness inside them! All the pieces come separately, but they have HeartMarking Hands or other body extensions. Order this set by emailing talilehavi@aol.com /subject: order Heartmarking […]
The Synergy between Art and Science:
Hearts are my tools, like words to a poet, and colors to a painter. They are an elegant synergy of order and creativity, predictability and surprise. Hearts are geometric, which is beautiful–the right side of the brain fires up. Emotions like warmth and love and beauty activate as well. But hearts have so much logic […]