Tag Archives | children

The Evils of Make-Up on Children

Everyone, make a HeartMark, take a breath in, let it out, and take time to think about something simple that we all do without much thought. Sometimes, the little things that we think are not worth worrying about are part of a bigger picture. Today’s seemingly unimportant bit is make up on children. Take time […]

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Best Use of Time

(With a tangent to reflect how different subjects connect, which fits the theme of the entry) I always look for ways to use time most efficiently.  At the gym, I am not one of those who rest between poses.  I let one muscle group rest while I work another group, or stretch that group.  The […]

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HeartMark Yogalates Lesson, Ages 3-5

Heartiyoli! All fitness routines using the heart hand poses called the HeartMark which I invented, and making other shapes with the body are protected by US patent, trademark, and copyright laws. If you would like this lesson taught in your school, scouts, or community in general, please contact me for permission, more materials, suggestions, and […]

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