Grow By A Heart (TM) Growth Chart


cover of box that contains the Grow by a Heart height chart with wooden hearts and the Power of Infinite Goodness

A Game That Will Never Stop Growing On You! (TM)

The Grow By A Heart Growth Chart has been among the most popular products at the Farmer’s Market!

This is a game made of beautiful wooden birch hearts, uncoated and 100% good for you! Each piece has the measurement on it in inches. When you wedge the game pieces together and add them up, you can figure out the length of any toy, pet, or even yourself! And since this comes straight from Planet Heart, the Power of Infinite Goodness (TM) is inside each package, ready to wedge with any heart in any direction. Now you can prove that the Power of Infinite Goodness is inside you! And of course, you can Grow By A Heart!(TM)

Product Description:
1 6″ Power of Infinite Goodness!
1 3″ Power of Infinite Goodness
1 9″ Heart
2 6″ Hearts
4 3″ Hearts
6 2″ Hearts
12 1″ Hearts
This adds up to 5’6″ ! How many hearts are you made of?

This product is actually patented by Tali Lehavi!

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