One of the awful shows on television that tries to help people lose too much weight too fast showed a customer who gained weight even though he said he did everything according to the program. Then, the “expert” told this man that he failed and the program did not. How horribly evil of this evil “expert!”
The man probably gained muscles. Also, we do not know if he was went potty that day. A person’s weight can fluctuate within a single day by a lot. My body can weight on a regular basis 7 lbs differently between different hours in one day. I do not weigh myself more than once in about six months, and it’s usually for fun. But I know that this is true from days when I used to weigh myself.
I do not know the details of the program and what they told the man to eat. He might have had a lot liquids. There are other possible explanations.
But the point is that if a program is truly healthy:
1. It will never accuse someone else of failing.
2. Then the customer will be healthier.
The programs on television are overall better in the last decade than they used to be in terms of teaching people how to eat healthy. However, they still make mistakes. In general, most programs forget to teach people to eat calcium. They never teach the right level of fiber. And they don’t really understand how much fat people can eat. I do not like to generalize, so I will stop.
It is extremely important to listen to a person’s needs, cravings, and life habits in order to customize a great program that they can keep for life. I do not promote fads. I promote real food. My focus is on healthy habits and helping people feel empowered that they can maintain them. If anyone wants to receive help from me, contact me at Please write in the subject: custom diet help, or HeartMark Health Support.
I HeartMark You!
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