Here are the some of the name stickers that I used for the Planet Heart-themed party!
Heartiyoli is the word for Hello on Planet Heart, and the heart hand HeartMark is the trademark gesture of the Heartlings. The Power of Infinite Goodness is the trademark of the Planet, so that’s in a border. All the symbols from Planet Heart are unique. It’s really a new way to look at a common shape–the heart–and give it deeper meanings and symbolism.
Your basic party package for 3-6 year olds includes the Planet Heart mascot–Lovelle (TM), Planet Heart invitations, HeartMark Yogalates dancing, singing, and activities based on age, Planet Heart games, and Planet Heart prizes. We can do Planet Heart crafts for the first 20 minutes as well. For boys I include some more of the strategy Sponap games and mandala building games.
Estimated price:
* 1.5 hours: $150 for up to 8 children
* 1.5 hours: $180 9-12 children
* Variations may apply depending on the prizes, additional children, and other time options.
The Sponaps as key chains were a huge hit! The 6 main Sponaps were wrapped (tag intact) by multiple layers of gift wrapping (along with other Planet Heart prizes.) The Children passed the gifts and had to stop randomly to uncover another layer of gift wrap each time… This was so fun!
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