Archive | Health

This blog is intended to inspire all to want to lead a healthy lifestyle, from nutrition to fitness, to psychological tips.

Take That to the Fair! The Rule of Expansion

Here is another useful fact that no one else has ever talked about because it is another HeartMark Health original: The Rule of Expansion. The Rule of Expansion refers to how much bulk space food takes up in your stomach after it sits there for a few minutes. It assumes that you want to maximize […]

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(Below is my article that was printed in 2008 by AZ Parenting magazine.) As parents, we all want our children to be as healthy and as bright as possible. We feed them a mix of healthy food and the occasional junk, hoping the healthy food will cancel out the junk. However, if your children have […]

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HUNGER and Its Negative Effects on Your Body:

When you don’t eat when you are hungry, results that you don’t want happen: 1. Your body thinks there is no food so it slows down the metabolism. This is a genetic instinct that is necessary to survival. Back when we had to rely on what we could hunt or gather, the body’s only way […]

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HeartMark Rewards!(TM)

HeartMark Rewards with photo, using square, first pallette You may print and cut these rewards out to give to your child, or email to order puzzle-thick high quality rewards. You may also add your logo! HEALTHY EATING IS A CHOICE. It has consequences. Teaching to choose healthy foods is similar to teaching about economics. […]

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Daily Set Point for Water and Sugar (TM)

Have you ever noticed that the less you drink, the less you feel the need to drink water? Have you noticed that the more sugar you eat, the more sugar you want? These two questions began my study 15 years ago on what I call the body’s Daily Set Point for Water and Sugar, or […]

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My Dreams

  HeartMarking Stones I dreamed a few nights ago that women were reaching into a crystal elegant jar that’s square with rounded corners.  The detail was impeccable.  A lot of dream time was focused on the sensual feel of the jewelry pieces and the clicking sounds.  Women reached their hands through to pick up square […]

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Junk Food Is Poison

Junk Food is Poison. It is not a treat. A treat is something that is good for you. For food to be a treat, it needs to be good for your body. It needs to give you the nutrients that you need in order to grow, repair damages, and prevent disease. The nutrients that do […]

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Twilight Zone of Junk Food

My first daughter’s school, (“Scottsdale Academy of Arts,”)a half Montessori-style beautiful school with a ballet school inside it, wrote that the day’s snack was fruit. When I came midday unexpectedly, which most parents never did at this school, I saw the children sitting around the table eating life savers type of candy that was fruit […]

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